ASTROCOHORS Command 07: The Fandom Menace – Age of Resilience

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Chaos reigns in the solar system: after the revival of fascist tendencies on earth and the outbreak of a dangerous pandemic, an armada of the HIGH HAND separated the Sol system from the rest of the galaxy. In the midst of these disturbing events, a certain Jarmo Dorak appeared out of nowhere at the ATLANTIS base, who had disappeared without a trace around six years earlier while searching for the wind harp.
But in these unusual times, every help is needed, which is why Jeff Holland, employee of the UNITED BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, is on his way to the ATLANTIS to make Dorak an offer. But before he can accept it, Dorak must first understand the past.


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The early light is breaking
 The morning sun is waiting in the sky
 And I think I'm gonna break away
 And follow where the birds of freedom fly

 I need to give, I need to live
 For the world is slowly turning
 And the lights of love are burning in my eyes

 Caravans, oh my soul is on the run
 Overland, I am flying
 Caravans moving out into the sun
 Oh I don't know where I'm going
 But I'm going

 - Mike Batt: "Caravan Song" 




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The 2020 California wildfire season is a series of ongoing wildfires that are burning across the state of California. As of September 11, 2020, a total of 7,718 fires have burned 3,175,523 acres (1,285,089 ha), more than 3% of the state’s roughly 100 million acres of land, making 2020 the largest wildfire season recorded in California history, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. However, from a historical perspective, it has been estimated that prior to 1850, about 4.5 million (17,000 km³) acres burned yearly, in fires that lasted for months. The peak of the wildfire season usually occurs between July and November when hot, dry winds are most frequent. The wildfire season typically does not end until the first significant rainstorm of autumn arrives, which is usually around mid October in Northern California, and roughly between the end of October to early November in Southern California. Climate change has increased the risk of wildfires in California significantly.

On August 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom reported that the state was battling 367 known fires, many sparked by intense thunderstorms on August 16–17 caused by moisture from the remnants of Tropical Storm Fausto. Response and evacuations were complicated by a historic heatwave and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor declared a state of emergency on August 18. In early September 2020, a combination of a record-breaking heat wave, and Diablo and Santa Ana winds sparked more fires and explosively grew active fires, with the August Complex surpassing the Mendocino Complex to become California’s largest recorded wildfire. The North Complex increased in size as the winds fanned it westward, threatening the city of Oroville, and triggering mass evacuations.

Source: 2020 California Wildfires

ASTROCOHORS Command 06: Alliances

ASTROCOHORS Command takes the next step: The department ASTROCOHORS C.L.U.B. is reorganized and starts new on this special date…

You find the divisions here:



Chez Frashokereti:

Clef, Pen and Brush:




The Chronicles of SIDUS BELLA:


Pried and Prejudice

“This is the VERI’S BASTION space station. Shuttle ARLBERG, name the destination and the cargo!”
Jarmo Dorak frowned. Freight? So he was … just cargo? Jarmo hoped the pilot would …
“This is Shuttle ARLBERG,” said the pilot into the radio. “The destination of our flight is Vila Velha, east coast of Brazil. My cargo consists of one passenger, Lieutenant Commander Jarmo Dorak, on a special mission for ASTROCOHORS CLUB.”
Jarmo sighed. Okay, he hadn’t got that right about the cargo. But at least a little.
“VERI’S BASTION confirmed,” came the reply from the loudspeaker. “Activate the cloaking field as soon as you have reached the limit of the atmosphere. The spaceport in Vila Velha is prepared for your arrival.”

ASTROCOHORS CLUB – People of the World.

On the VERI’S BASTION space station, a pilot followed the course of the ARLBERG shuttle on a monitor.
“This Jarmo Dorak again,” said Jan, a colleague of his.
The pilot looked up. “You know who it is?”
“Well, Todd, you haven’t been here as long as I have been. Jarmo Dorak, agent on special assignment for ASTROCOHORS CLUB. Again and again.”
“Agent? Something like a … spy?”
Jan laughed out loud. “No, it just sounds more exciting. And I think the Admiralty officially calls it that. He has an assignment, there is … oh, what do I know.”
“Hey! Don’t stop now! You started the story, now tell it too!”
Jan shrugged his shoulders. “I heard Dorak was on Mars,” he said. “You know, the Martians and their strange rites and such. Somehow he received a vision and since then he’s been looking for the Temple of the Wind Harp. Totally crazy, right?”
“The Temple of the Wind Harp?” Asked Todd. “My mother once told me about this as a child. This is where the concentrated wisdom of the galaxy is to be found.”
“Well, if Dorak needs wisdom …” Jan didn’t finish the sentence, but burst out laughing.
“But what is he doing on earth then?” Asked Todd. “The Temple of the Wind Harp is said to be somewhere in the galaxy.”
“Hey, you don’t know anything!”, Jan said indignantly. “ASTROCOHORS CLUB, have you heard about that?”
“Maybe I read a memo once. And?”
“This is the department that is responsible for the special relationships with the earth. The planet must continue to be made fit for the galactic community. New departments of the club are founded. And since there are probably traces on earth that lead to the Temple of the Wind Harp, Dorak is now on the way there. There’s a new female officer in Brazil who is very committed. “
“Do you know her?”
“Saw a photo of her. Looks nice.”
“Brazil – I bet she’s tall, slim, dark brown skin …”
“Yes, exactly, and walks around in a bikini all day and wears a plume on her head!” Said a voice very loudly.
Todd and Jan turned around. Without their noticing, their superior officer had walked into the room.
“And she dances samba all day,” added Commander Bill Stryker to his last sentence. His voice dripped with sarcasm. “The looks of Commander Del Almeida shouldn’t be the main focus of either of you!” He said. “There is enough traffic in space around planet earth that you should actually monitor. I would also like to remind you that Brazil is a former European colony. You will also find European descendants there. But it doesn’t matter. In the end, they are all people, no matter where they come from or what skin color they are. Or whether they wear a plume and dance samba all day! I’m a little horrified that I’m standing here and have to talk you out of the prejudices about some peoples. So, is there to report anything? Well? “
“Yes, uh,” Jan hurried to say. “Traffic in space is normal. The ARLBERG is approaching for landing, no further ships are in sight at the moment.”
“Good. Carry on. And educate yourself! When you have time for a chat, you have time for that as well!”
Stryker turned and left the room. He thought of the ARLBERG, which was just about to land on earth. Yes, the ASTROCOHORS CLUB mission became more and more important. Lieutenant Commander Beatriz del Almeida would certainly complement the mission well.